
Me & Objective of the project

I am Anik Paul Gomes. I am from Bangladesh and currently attending Northwest Missouri State University.

The objective of this project is to use spark to count the words in a text document. For this project, I have counted words of a wikipedia page about Bangaldesh.


My data source is a wikipedia page about Bangladesh.

Scala commands

> val inputFile = sc.textFile("C:/44517/ConardSparkWordCount/AMSND.txt")
> val topWordCount = inputFile.
  flatMap(str=>str.split(" ")).
  map{case (word, count) => (count, word)}.


Frequency Word
992 the
600 of
577 and
458 in
242 Bangladesh
238 The
207 a
198 to
192 is
151 was
134 by
103 with
101 are
83 Bengal
80 for
76 Bengali
75 has
73 as
65 Bangladeshi
56 from

The most frequest word is “the”. I was expecting it to be Bangladesh. However, it’s 5th in the list. My findings agree with my assumptions. Bangladesh - 242 times, Bengal - 83 times, Bengali - 76, Bangladeshi - 65 times, are in my list (first 20).

Visual representation of the result

Spark word Count Chart