I am Anik Paul Gomes. I am from Bangladesh and currently attending Northwest Missouri State University.
The objective of this project is to use spark to count the words in a text document. For this project, I have counted words of a wikipedia page about Bangaldesh.
My data source is a wikipedia page about Bangladesh.
> val inputFile = sc.textFile("C:/44517/ConardSparkWordCount/AMSND.txt")
> val topWordCount = inputFile.
flatMap(str=>str.split(" ")).
map{case (word, count) => (count, word)}.
Frequency | Word |
992 | the |
600 | of |
577 | and |
458 | in |
242 | Bangladesh |
238 | The |
207 | a |
198 | to |
192 | is |
151 | was |
134 | by |
103 | with |
101 | are |
83 | Bengal |
80 | for |
76 | Bengali |
75 | has |
73 | as |
65 | Bangladeshi |
56 | from |
The most frequest word is “the”. I was expecting it to be Bangladesh. However, it’s 5th in the list. My findings agree with my assumptions. Bangladesh - 242 times, Bengal - 83 times, Bengali - 76, Bangladeshi - 65 times, are in my list (first 20).